The Terrible Cinematic Poetry of the Third Reich 1933-1945

The following releases constitute the dark history of the nightmare years of the Third Reich during the Holocaust. The films listed represent the celluloid weapon utilized by Hitler and Goebbels to implement the heinous policies committed during the Third Reich. These motion pictures must be considered as dangerous examples of audio-visual cinematic works.

Bleeding Germany 1932/1933

Producer/Director: Johannes Haeusler Production: Deutscher Film-Vertrieb Music: Hans Bullerien sound B/W German dialog Release: December 15, 1932 + March 30, 1933 
German propaganda documentary film produced and directed by Johannes Haeusler. This feature-length film documents the rise of the Nazi Party from its embryonic beginnings in 1920 up to 1933 when Hitler became chancellor. 


Victory of Faith 1933

Producer/Script/Co-Editor/Director: Leni Riefenstahl Cinematography: Sepp Allgeier, Franz Weihmayr, Walter Frentz, Richard Quaas, Paul Tesch, Music: Herbert Windt Editing: Leni Riefenstahl, Waldemar Gaede Production: Filmleitung der NSDAP 64 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German political propaganda film produced, co-written/co-edited and directed by Leni Riefenstahl. The film documents the Fifth Reich Party Day rally held in the medieval city of Nuremberg in September 1933. "Victory of Faith" was a Nazi propaganda film which was financed and promoted by the Nazi Party, celebrating Hitler's victory as chancellor in January 1933 and is considered an example of Nazi political propaganda.


S.A. Man Brand 1933

Producer/Director: Franz Seitz Script: Joe Stoeckel, Curt J. Braun Cinematography: Franz Koch Musiic: Toni Thomas CAST: Joe Stoeckel, Heinz Klingenberg, Rolf Wenkhaus, Otto Wernicke Production: Bavaria-Film Release: June 14, 1933 B/W sound German dialog.
German feature-length political propaganda film produced and directed by Franz Seitz for Bavaria-Film in Munich. "S.A. Man Brand" presents the story of a truck driver, Fritz Brand, who joins the Nazi brow shirts in order to defend Germany against communist subversion orchestrated from Moscow. Brand persuades the local village social circle of the imminent threat and the desperate need to support Hitler and the Nazi Party in the upcoming Reich Presidential Election of 1932. Seitz's political film was a box-office flop and  prompted outrage from Joseph Goebbels whom was against such direct Nazi propaganda in feature films. A film review in the New York Times had noted favorably the film's  production value and the complete absence of any anti-Semitic content but also expressed contempt for its unsophisticated plot. The production performed poorly at the box-office even with the Nazi press as Der Angriff (Goebbels' newspaper, "The Attack") criticized  the director for "not having the talent nor the competence necessary for a motion picture of such importance."


Hans Westmar 1933

Producer: Robert Ernst Script: Hans Heinz Ewers, Paul Beyer, Dr. C.I. Braun Director: Franz Wenzler Cinematography: Franz Weihmayr CAST: Emil Lohkamp, Heinrich Hellinger, Paul Wegener Music: Giuseppe Beece, Ernst Hanfstaengel Production: Volksdeutsche-Film GmbH Release: 1933 95 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German political propaganda feature film filmed in Berlin in 1933 under the direction of Franz Wenzler. "Hans Westmar" is both anti-communist and anti-Semitic. Like Franz Seitz' "S.A.-Mann Brand," Wenzler's film was not received well from either Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and the Nazi film censors. Goebbels ordered the film banned firstly, and then shortly afterwards the production was given a green light to be re-cut and retitled as the film's original title was "Horst Wessel," the name of the fallen Nazi martyr whom the story had been based. The film was not a successful theatrical release in Germany, however, but the production was booked in cinemas in larger cities. A contemporary film critic at the time, Jules Sauerwein of the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, wrote "One of the best films I've ever seen." "Hans Westmar" must belongs to the works of the subversive cinema and must be construed as such. Available in German and Italian language versions. 


Hitler Youth Quex 1933

Producer: Karl Ritter Script: Karl Aloys Schwenzinger, Bobby E. Luethge Director: Hans Steinhoff Cinematography: Konstantin Irmen-Tschet CAST: Heinrich George, Bertha Drews, Claus Clausen, Juergen Ohlsen, Hermann Speelmanns Production: Ufa Release: 1933 95 min. B/W sound German w/English subtitles.
German political propaganda feature film directed by Hans Steinhoff based on the novel by Karl Aloys Schwenzinger. This propaganda film was based on the biography of the slain Hitler Youth Herbert Norkus. While the first two political propaganda films produced ("S.A.-Mann Brand" and "Hans Westmar") were a disappointment to Propaganda Minister Goebbels, "Hitlerjunge Quex" was a tremendous box-office success in Germany upon its initial theatrical release. Within five months following its official Reich premiere in Berlin, the production had already grossed RM718,000 which made it the most successful film of 1933. "Hitler Youth Quex" glorified the Nazi theme of "dying for Hitler and Germany."


For the Rights of Mankind 1934

Producer/Script/Director: Hans Zoeberlein Cinematography: Ludwig Zahn CAST: Hans Schlenk, Beppo Brem, Werner Scharf, Franz Loskam Production: Arya-Film GmbH Release: 1934 121 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German political propaganda film produced, written and directed by Hans Zoeberlein in a story where the ultra right wing Freikorps was glorified as the so-called "defenders of humanity." Zoeberlein's film contains numerous anti-Semitic comments , indicating the communists are led by "Bolshevik Jews" and thereby incited by them to commit crimes.


Triumph of the Will 1935

Producer/Script (co-writer)/Director: Leni Riefenstahl Script: Walter Ruttmann, Leni Riefenstahl Cinematography: Sepp Allgeier, Franz Weihmayr Music: Herbert Windt Production: Filmleitung der NSDAP/Ufa 114 min. B/W (color version also available) sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German political propaganda documentary film co-written, produced and directed by Leni Riefenstahl on the annual Reich Party Day rally which took place in the medieval city of Nuremberg. Hitler himself commissioned the production of this film following the abortive S.A. purge known as the "Night of the Long Knives," and even coined the title of the production as well as being uncredited as the executive producer, although his name appears in the opening title credits. Following the film's official Reich premiere in March 1935, "Triumph of the Will" became a major example of Nazi propaganda and was thoroughly well received in Germany. Riefenstahl's cinematic techniques such as moving cameras, aerial photography, the usage of long-focus camera lenses to create a distorted perspective, and the revolutionary approach to the use of music and cinematography have all earned Riefenstahl's film recognition as one of the greatest propaganda films in history. Within two months followings its release in Germany, the film had earned RM815,000 (equivalent to 4 million dollars today), and Ufa considered it one of the three most profitable releases of 1935. For her efforts, the director was rewarded with the German National Prize of Art and Science, a gold medal for the 1935 Venice Biennale and the Grand Prix at the 1937 Paris International Exhibition. The Independent wrote in 2003, "Triumph of the Will seduced many wise men and women, persuaded them to admire rather than despise, and undoubtedly won the Nazis friends and allies all over the world." "Triumph of the Will" was banned in both Germany and England after W.W.II fearing it might inspire another Nazi movement. Today, Riefenstahl's film stands as a celluloid monument to Hitler and his twisted movement and for their heinous crimes of genocide which occurred only a few short years following its release.


Village in the Red Storm 1936

Producer: Alfred Bittens, Hermann Schmidt Script: Werner Kortwich Director: Peter Hagen Cinematography: Sepp Allgeier CAST: Friederich Kayssler, Jessie Vihrog, Valery Inkijinoff Music: Walter Gronostay Production: Delta-Film Release: November 19, 1935 97 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German anti-communist drama film directed by Peter Hagen was produced purely for anti-Soviet propaganda purposes. The story concerned an ethnic village of Frisians who are besieged by the Red Army of the USSR where religion is strictly forbidden and communist oppression is the order of the day. Also released under the title "Friesennot" (Frisian Emergency) and was one of the few films to be directly distributed by the Nazi Party. The production was, however, banned by order of Hitler and Goebbels in 1939 shortly before the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact due to its strong anti-Soviet message. Following the German invasion of the USSR on June 22, 1941, the film was re-released under the title "Dorf im roten Sturm" (Village in the Red Storm) which suited the Nazis' anti-communist aims following Operation Barabossa.


Hitler Youth in the Mountains 1932

Production/Script/CinematographyDirector: Stuart J. Lutz  Production: Stuart J. Lutz-Film 21 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda film short promoting the Hitler Youth movement in pre-Nazi Germany in 1932 which presents both inconvenience and joy of camping life. The first day, the young HJ boys engage in various games, swimming and relax next to a bonfire. An obvious example of Nazi film propaganda.


Interest Slavery 1932

Producer/Cinematography: Otto Rippert Camera Assistant: Robert Kolb Sound: Sysytem KaesemannProduction: Deutsche Aufnahmegesellschaft fuer Bild und Ton GmbH 12 min. B/W (Color version available) sound German dialog.
German documentary film promoting Nazi economist Gottfried Federer's concept of "Interest Slavery" when sizing the Weimar economy in 1932. Nazi propaganda. 


The Fuehrer Speaks at the Berlin Sportpalast 1933

Producer: Filmleitung der NSDAP 39 min. B/W (Color version available) sound German dialog.
German propaganda film documenting depicting Hitler's first public address to the German nation on February 10, 1933. An obvious example of Nazi propaganda and an historical record of Hitler's hypnotic speech-making abilities at the time.


The Riders of German-East Africa 1934

Producer: Walter Zeiske Script: Marie Luise Droop (novel), Wilhelm Stoeppler Director: Herbert Selpin Cinematography: Emil Schuennemann CAST: Sepp Rist, Rudolf Klicks, Peter Voss, Louis Brody Production: Terra-Film Release: 1934 77 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German feature-length propaganda adventure/drama film based on the novel "Kwa heri" by Marie Luise Droop. Selpin's production concerned German colonialism in East Africa which served the intention of Goebbels' propaganda machine during the early Nazi period.  Although the film had been described in the official promotion as "educating the people," the heroic adventure film was banned by Goebbels and film censors on December 19, 1939, because it portrayed the British as "enemies of the Reich." Following the Allied victory in Germany in 1945, the film was promptly banned by the Allied Occupation Government of Germany due to its Nazi propaganda content.


I'm for You, You're for Me 1934

Producer/Cinematography/Director: Carl Frielich Script: Hans Gustl Kernmayr Production: Reichspropagandaleitung Abteilung Film der NSDAP/Kraft durch Freude (Kdf) NS-Gemeinschaft Release: November 30, 1934 84 min. B/W sound German dialog. 
German political propaganda drama film produced and directed by Carl Froelich. Produced in support of the Nazi regime's Reich Labor Service Corps (Reichsarbeitsdienst) and the League of German Girls (Bund Deutsche Madel) which also promoted the fanatical racist "Blood and Soil" (Blut und Boded) movement of the Nazi Party. This film was banned by the Allied Occupation Government of Germany in 1945.


Hands at Work 1935

Producer/Script/Cinematography: Walter Frenz Production Supervisor: Eberhard Fangauf Commentary: Otto Heinz John Music: Walter Gronostay Sound: Tobis-Klangfilm Production: Reichspropagandafilmleitung 48 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film extolling the values of the German Labor Front (Deutschen Arbeitsfront) described as a "symphonic poem"," with the majority of the film is composed of music (Walter Gronostay) and a juxtaposition of visual imagery of the various forms of manual labor, which were purportedly making a place for the Nazi Reich among the top industrial producers of a world deep  in economic depression. This film depicts various aspects of German labor as promoted by the DAF (German Labor Front). 


In the Land of Widukinds 1935

Producer: Dr. Nicholas Kaufmann Script: Prof. Dr. Felix Lampe, Dr. Leonard Fuerst Direction: Goesta Nordhaus, Kurt Stanke, Felix Lampe Cinematography: Kurt Stanke Music: Franz R. Friedel Production: Ufa-Kulturfilm/Produced with the cooperation with German farmers and citizens from the Lippechen and Ravenssberger countryside. Release: December 23, 1935 15 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda "kulturfilm" produced by Dr. Nicholas Kaufmann and directed by Goesta Nordhaus, Kurt Stanke and Felix Lampe. This short film depicts rural inhabitants, including German farmers as part of the Nazi inheritance laws pertaining to individual farms during the Third Reich. 


Day of Freedom - Our Armed Forces 1935

Producer/Script/Director: Leni Riefenstahl Cinematography: Hans Ertl, Walter Frenz, Albert Kling, Guzzi Lantschner, Kurt Neubert, Willy Zielke Editing: Leni Riefenstahl Music: Peter Kreuder Production: NSDAP 35 min. B/W sound German version (no dialog).
German propaganda documentary film created by Leni Riefenstahl focusing on the German armed forces during wargames in the Zepplinweise Arena during the 1935 Reich Party rally. Offended Wehrmacht anf Luftwaffe high-ranking officers had been offended by their lack of appearance in the director's "Triumph of the Will" (1935). This short film is the result of this and according to the history, sent a camera crew to Nuremberg to film the rally. 


Eternal Forest 1936

Producer/Script: Albert Graf von Pestalozza Script: Carl Maria Holzapfel (poetry) Direction: Hans Springer, Rolf von Sonjevski-Jamroswki Cinematography: Sepp Allgeier,  Werner Bohne, Otto Ewald, Wolf Hart, Guido Seeber, A.O. Weitzenberg, Bernhard Wentzel CAST: Guenther Hadank (commentary), Heinz Herkommen (commentary), Paul Klinger (commentary), Lothar Koerner (commentary), Aribert Mog, Kurt Wieschaia Music: Wolfgang Zeller Production: Kulturgruppe 75 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German "kultur" (cultural) propagandistic pseudo documentary film directed by Hans Springer and Rolf von Sonjevski-Jamrowski. This obvious Nazi propaganda film was originally commissioned by Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg's cultural organization "Militant League for German Culture" in 1934 under the working title ""Deutscher Wald - Deutsches Schicksal" (German Forest - German Destiny), the feature-length "documentary" premiered in Munich in 1936. The production was intended as "cinematic evidence" for the so-called "shared destiny of the German forest and the German people beyond the vicissitudes of history, portraying a perfect symbiosis of an 'eternal forest' and a likewise  'eternal people' firmly rooted in it between Neolithic and National Socialist times," according to the film's original promotion in 1936.


Army in the Making 1936

Producer/Script/Cinematography/Direction: Marc Roland Production: Reichspropagandaministerium/Luftwaffe High Command 69 min. B/W sound German dialog.

German propaganda documentary film produced, written, shot and directed by Marc Roland for the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda and the High Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW). This film was commissioned for the sole purpose of the introduction of national conscription in Germany beginning in 1935 with the creation of the German Wehrmacht. 


Hereditary Disease 1937

Producer/Script/Cinematography/Director: Herbert Gerdes Production: NS-Rasse und Politische Amot (Nazi Race and Political Office) 23 min. B/W silent German Inter-titles. 
German euthanasia propaganda documentary created by Herbert Gerdes for the Nazi Race and Political Office in Berlin. This film was one of six propagandistic produced by this sinister German government office from 1935 to 1937 in order to demonize civilians in the Third Reich diagnosed with mental illness and mental retardation, which was the principal goal to gain popular support for the T-4 Euthanasia Program then in the early stages of planning and preparation. Hitler reportedly liked "Erbkrank" so much that he strongly encouraged the production of the full-length propaganda film "Victims of the Past: the Sin against Blood and Race" (1937, ALSO AVAILALE). Prior to W.W.II., "Erbkrank" was distributed in the United States through the Pioneer Fund, which was an American non-profit foundation established in 1937 "to advance the scientific, study of heredity and human differences." The organization was described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as being "racist and white supremist in nature."


Traitor 1936

Producer: Hans Ritter Script: W. Herzlieb (idea and story), H. Wagner (idea and story), Leonhard Fuerst (writer) Director: Karl Ritter Cinematography: Guenther Anders, Heinz von Jaworsky CAST: Lida Baarova, Willy Birgel, Irene von Meyendorff, Thedor Loos, Paul Dahlke, Sepp Rist Production: Ufa 92 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German espionage propaganda feature film directed by Karl Ritter for Ufa in 1937. The story revolves around foreign enemy agents whom are able to infiltrate the German military arms industry, aided by German traitors in contemporary Nazi Germany. However, they are defeated due to  the combined efforts of the Wehrmacht and the dreaded Gestapo "Traitor" premiered in the  United States at the 86th Street Garden Theatre on January 27, 1937. Ritter;s production is considered a work of Nazi propaganda.


Mussolini in Germany 1937

Production: Fox-Wochenshau GmbH/Ufa-Tonwoche 30 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film produced for Mussolini's state visit to Germany in 1937. Includes speeches, marches and ceremonies for the special event. Addressed by Hitler and Mussolini in the Berlin Olympic stadium. 


Echo of the Homeland 1937

Producer/Script/Direction:  Reichpropagandaministerium Production Supervisor: Fritz Hippler Commentator: Albert Ebbecke Production: Reich Propaganda Minister, Film Dept. 43 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary produced by Fritz Hippler for the Reich Ministry of Propaganda in 1937. This edition of the newsreel-type screen magazine depicts reports on the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin and the annual Reich Party Day rally held in Nuremberg the same year. Categorized as Nazi propaganda. 


Festive Nuremberg 1937

Producer/Script/Direction: Hans Weidemann Production Supervisor: Fritz Hippler Production: Dfg 21 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film produced, written and directed by Hans Weidemann documents both the 1936 and 1937 Reich Party Day rallies held in the medieval city of Nuremberg.  


Battleship Sevastopol 1937

Producer: Frank Clifford Script: Charlie Roellinghoff (factual report), Karl Anton (writer), Arthur Pohl (writer), Felix von Eckhardt (writer), Director: Karl Anton Cinematography: Herbert Koerner CAST: Theodor Loos, Camilla Horn, Karl John, Fritz Kampers, Werner Hinz Music: Peter Kreuder, Friedrich Schroeder Production: Lloyd-Film/Sascha-Film/Tobis-Filmkunst 197 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German anti-Soviet propaganda feature film directed by Karl Anton set during the Russian Revolution, primarily designed as a response to Sergei Eisenstein's "Battleship Potemkin" (1925) re-released as "Rote Bestien" (Red Beasts). Regarded as a Nazi anti-Soviet propaganda film.


Patriots 1937

Producer/Director: Karl Ritter Script: Felix Luetzendorf (writer), Philipp Lothar Mayring (writer), Karl Ritter (writer) Cinematography: Guenther Anders CAST: Mathias Wieman, Lida Baarova, Paul Dahlke, Bruno Hubner Music: Theo Mackeben Production: Ufa 96 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German feature-length propaganda film co-written and directed by Karl Ritter pertaining to a musical troupe  in war-torn France during W.W.I.  


Operation Michael 1937

Producer/Script/Director: Karl Ritter Script: Mathias Wieman, Fred Hildenbrandt Cinematography: Guenther Anders CAST: Heinrich George, Mathias Wieman, Willy Birgel,  Paul Otto, Malte Jaeger, Otto Wernicke Music: Herbert Windt Production: Ufa 76 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German feature-length propaganda film co-written, produced and directed by Karl Ritter. The story is set during W.W.I. and focuses on a great military offensive by the Reichswehr ion March 21, 1918. "Unternehmen Michael" was the first of three feature films known as "soldaten filme" (soldier films) set during the First World War which Ritter produced and directed between 1936-1938, when Nazi Germany was rearming itself in preparation for renewed war. Hitler himself described Ritter's war films as "pictorial armored cars," in contrast to his entertainment films. The production was a 'Staatauftragsfilm,' it was commissioned by the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda and is a representation of the glorification in the Third Reich of the heroic death ('Heldentod'). Following the American release, The New York Times referred to the film as "not emphasizing the horrors of war." The film is regarded as a cinematic example of Nazi propaganda.


Germany 1938

Rare color home movies captured  by American tourists to Munich, Germany in 1938. Depicts color scenes of German cities, towns during the heyday of the Third Reich depicting the evil incarnation that was Nazism.  80 min. Color silent w/music score.


Target in the Clouds 1938

Producer: Alfred Greven, Hans Tost Script: Hans Rabl (novel), Alf Teichs, Eberhard Frowein, Philipp Lothar Mayring Director: Wolfgang Leibeneiner Cinematography: Hans Schneeberger, Eberhard von der Heyden CAST: Albert Matterstock, Brigitte Horney, Volker von Collande, Christian Kaysler Music: Wolfgang Zeller Production: Terra-Film 99 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical drama film directed by Wolfgang Leibeneiner starring Brigitte Horney, Volker von Collande, Albert Matterstock and Christian Kaysler. The story concerned the challenges and struggles of the fictional German aviation pioneer Walter von Suhr, a n imperial military officer in the pre-W.W.I. German Reichswehr (German Army) who foresaw the potential for military fighter aircraft which was purportedly cinematic encouragement for the establishment of Hermann Goering's Luftwaffe. The production is an obvious example of pseudo-propaganda contained within the framework of an entertainment film.


In the Fight against the World Enemy 1939

Producer/Director: Karl Ritter Script: Werner Beumellberg Cinematography: Heinz Ritter Music: Herbert Windt Production: Ufa 94 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film produced and directed by Karl Ritter pertaining to the role of the Legion Condor in the Spanish Civil War. Ritter's film is very anti-communist befitting the official Nazi policies during this period. During the signing of the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact in August 1939, the film was ordered withdrawn from circulation. This film is considered an example of Nazi propaganda.


Shoulder Arms 1939

Producer/Director: Juergen von Alten Script: Wolfgang Marken (novel), Kurt E. Waller Cinematography: Phil Jutzi CAST: F.W. Schroeder, Rolf Mobius, Rudi Godden, Wolfgang Staudte Music: Felix Glessmer, Hanson Milde-Meisner Production: Germania-Film Release: December 7, 1939 97 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German military-themed propaganda drama film produced and directed by Juergen von Alten for Germania-Film in 1939. The film was based on the novel of the same title by Wolfgang Marken. The production was produced purely for propaganda intentions at the time in support of official Nazi policies. "Shoulder Arms" was one of a growing number of feature film productions of the late 1930s that were hostile towards life in democratic nations such as Britain on the very eve of W.W.II. Classified as direct Nazi propaganda. 


The Westwall 1939

Producer: Hans Weidemann Director: Fritz Hippler Military Advisors: Hauptmann (Capt.) Kuehne (High Command of the Wehrmacht), Oberbaurat Henne (Organization Todt Senior Inspector) Cinematography: Sepp Allgeier, Max Enreiat, Walter Fuchs, Wolfgang Grossmann, Friedrich Carl Heere, Heinz Jaworsky Music: Ernst Erich Buder Production: Deutsche Wochenschau Zentral/Dfg 47 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film directed by Fritz Hippler, Chief of German Film and the Reichs Film Superannuant under Joseph Goebbels. This film pertains to the construction of the western wall defenses between Germany and France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands by members of the Organization Todt and the Reich Labor Service Corps (RAD).


German Land in Africa 1939

Producer/Direction: Johannes Haeussler, Carl Mohri, Walter Schuennemann Script: Frieidrich Stock, Herbert Kuhlmann Cinematography: Carl Mohri Music: Bernd Schotz Production Dfg  Release:1April 15, 939 68 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film produced and directed by Johannes Haeussler, Carl Mohri (also camerawork) and Walter Schuenemann. The topic of the film pertains to Germany and its colonial expeditions in Africa. This film seems to support Germany's aim in future aggression on the dark continent. Classified as a Nazi propaganda film.


Sudeten Germany Returns Home 1939

Supervising Producer: Hans Weidemann Director: Fritz Hippler Production: Reichspropagandaministerium Tobis-Wochenschau GmbH 30 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary produced by Hans Weidemann and directed by Fritz Hippler for the Reich Propaganda Ministry in Berlin in 1939. This short film documents German Wehrmacht troops as they occupy the annexed Sudetenland. Considered as an example of Nazi propaganda.


2000 Years of German Culture 1939

Production/Cinematography/Director: Alexander van Duelmann Production: Amateurfilmproduktion Release: July 1939  60 min. Color silent w/music score.
German amateur film document of the Third Reich's "2000 Years of German Culture" event which was part of the Munich Arts Festival in 1939, just six weeks prior to the outbreak of the Nazi invasion of Poland in September of that same year. Although an obvious example of Nazi pageantry and ceremonies, this film was produced as an independent amateur filmmaker making his own personal record of the actual event often referred to as the "German Day of Art" (Tag der deutschen Kunst). The film does reveal the visual imagery of evil when coming face to face with Hitler, Himmler, Hess, Goering, etc.  


Parade 1939

Production Supervision: Hans Weidemann, Fritz Hippler Director: Kurt Ripl Production: Ufa-Kulturfilm 29 min. B/W sound (color version also available).
German propaganda documentary short film directed by Kurt Ripl for Ufa-Kulturfilm in Berlin. This short film documents the massive military display put on display by the German armed forces on Hitler's 50th birthday in the Reich capital. Considered as an example of Nazi propaganda.

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The Eternal Jew 1940

Producer/Director: Fritz Hippler Script: Dr. Eberhard Taubert Cinematography: Albert Endrejat, Anton Hafner, Robert Hartmann, Heinz Kluth, Erich Stoll, Heinz Winterfeld Commentary: Harry Giese  Music: Franz R. Friedel Production: Reichspropagandaministerium/Dfg 70 min. B/W sound German dialog version & English subtitled version.
German propaganda "documentary" directed by Fritz Hippler for the Reich Propaganda Ministry and Dfg (German Film Production). Hippler'scurilous cinematic diatribe is THE supreme hate film of all time directed against Europe's Jewish population during the Holocaust. This film is an excellent example of Nazi anti-Semitic film propaganda which was a celluloid blueprint for the infamous "Final Solution" during the Holocaust.


Campaign in Poland 1939

Producer: Hans Weidemann Director: Fritz Hippler Cinematography: Sepp Allgeier, Gustav Lanschner Music: Herbert Windt Production: Reichspropagandaministerium/Dfg 67 min. B/W sound German dialog version, English subtitled and English voiceover versions available.
German propaganda documentary film directed by Fritz Hippler for the Reich Propaganda Ministry and Dfg (German Film Production) in 1939. This feature-length propaganda documentary film was produced primarily to validate German military aggression against Poland. Upon the film's release in 1939, Hitler was given a special showing of the film at the Bayreuth Festival in the spring of that same year. The production was shown to a select audience on October 8, 1939, but the military leadership's leadership was the concern that the film did not completely reflect the Wehrmacht's (Army) role in the Polish attack. A second cut of the film was made and Propaganda Minister Goebbels personally made changes to the commentary. Hitler was again shown this version on December 11, 1939, but demanded even more edits. Contemporary historians regard "Campaign in Poland" as a supreme example of Nazi propaganda.


Battle of Norway 1940

Production/Cinematgraphy/Direction: Martin Rikli, Werner Buhre Music: Franz R. Friedel Production: /High Command of the Wehrmacht (OKW)/Ufa Release: 1940 81 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film directed by Martin Rikli and Werner Buhre. This film traces the German invasion of Denmark and Norway in the spring of 1940. "Battle of Norway" is considered as a Nazi propaganda film.


Over Everything in the World 1941

Producer/Director: Karl Ritter Script: Feliz Luetzendorf, Karl Ritter Cinematography: Werner Krien CAST: Paul Hartmann, Hannes Stelzer, Fritz Kampers, Carl Raddatz, Karl John Music: Herbert Windt Production: Ufa Release: March 21, 1941 85 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German militarist propaganda feature film produced and directed by Karl Ritter and starring Paul Hartmann, Hannes Stelzer, Fritz Kampers, Carl Raddatz, and others. This insidious propaganda film was produced in order to promote the Third Reich's aggressive war aims during W.W.II. Considered as a Nazi propaganda film.


Carl Peters 1941

Producer: C.W. Tetting Script: Erich zu Klampen, Herbert Selpin, Walter Zerlett-Olfenuis, Ernst von Salomon Director: Herbert Selpin Cinematography: Franz Koch CAST: Hans Albers, Karl Dannemann, Fritz Odemar Music: Franz Odemar Production: Bavaria-Film Release: March 21, 1941 110 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical drama propaganda film directed by Herbert Selpin and starring Hans Albers, Karl Dannemann, Fritz Odemar and others. Selpin's film is an intensely anti-British propaganda film which was part of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels' anti-England film campaign during W.W.II.  One of Goebbels' goals in the production of "Carl Peters" was intended to provoke renewed anger and hatred over the Treaty of Versailles as Kaiser Wilhelm's German colonial empire, the third largest in existence at the time, had been divided up between the victorious Allies after W.W.I  "Carl Peters'" somewhat crude attack on the British Empire was typical of later films being produced, such as "Uncle Krueger" (Ohm Krueger, 1941 ALSO AVAILALE), which were produced after Hitler came to the conclusion that no separate peace with England could be possible. Contemporary historians and film scholars agree that "Carl Peters" is an obvious propaganda film. 


I Accuse 1941

Producer: Heinrich Jonen Script: Harald Bratt, Eberhard Froewein, Wolfgang Leibeneiner Director: Wolfgang Leibeneiner Cinematography: Friedl Behn-Grund CAST: Paul Hartmann, Heidemarie Hatheyer, Mathias Wieman, Albert Florath Music: Norbert Schultze Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: August 29, 1941 125 min. B/W German dialog.
German pro-euthanasia propaganda feature film co-written and directed by Wolfgang Leibeneiner and starring Paul Hartmann, Heidemarie Hatheyer, Mathias Wieman, Albert Florath and others. This sinister film was ordered produced at the highest levels of the Nazi regime to promote the involuntary euthanasia of disabled German civilians conducted through  the "Aktion T4" mass murder program and to garner general public support for the Nazi concept of "life unworthy of life," which was specifically a Nazi designation for the segments of the population, which according to the official propaganda line, they "had no right to live."


Boys 1941

Producer: Eberhard Schmidt Script: Otto Bernhard Wendler, Horst Kerutt, Robert A. Stemmle Director: Robert A. Stemmle Cinematography: Robert Baberske CAST: Albert Hehn, Kurt Fischer-Fehling, Georg Thomella Music: Werner Egk  Production: Ufa Release: 1941 82 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German youth dramatic propaganda feature film directed by Robert A. Stemmle starring Albert Hehn, Kurt Fischer-Fehling, Georg Thomalla and others.  The story concerned social injustices in a small Baltic Sea village. The male antagonists are essayed by Albert Hehn as the progressive teacher and Hitler Youth leader Helmut Gruendel and Eduard Wandrey essays the role of the exploitative innkeeper Ottokar Waschke. Robert Baberske's "Boys" is a cinematic example of children's and youth films under Nazism during the Third Reich. Classified as a Nazi propaganda feature film. 


Heads Up, Johannes! 1941

Producer: Conrad Flockner Script: Toni Huppertz, Wilhelm Krug, Felix Heinrich Fedor von Eckhardt Director: Viktor de Kowa Cinematography: Friedl Behn-Grund CAST: Klaus Detkef Sierck, Albrecht Schoenfels, Dorthea Wieck, Otto Gebuehr, Karl Dannemann Music: Harold Boehmelt Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: March 11, 1941 78 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German youth political propaganda feature film directed by Viktor de Kowa and starring Klaus Detlef Sierck, Albrecht Schoenfels, Dorthea Wieck, Otto Gebuehr and others. The storyline concerned the plight of a young troubled German boy who struggles to excel in the Nazi Hitler Youth organization during the Third Reich. Considered an obvious example of Nazi film propaganda.


My Life for Ireland 1941

Producer/Director: Max w. Kimmich Script: Franz Baumann, Toni Huppwertz, Max W. Kimmich Director: Max W. Kimmich Cinematography: Richard Angst CAST: Rene Deltgen, Paul Wegener, Werner Hinz, Eugen Kloepfer, Claus Clausen Music: Alois Melichar Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: February 17, 1941 90 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German anti-British propaganda feature film directed by Max W. Kimmich and starring Rene Deltgen, Paul Wegener, Werner Hinz, Eugen Kloepfer, Claus Clausen and others. The story of the film concerns an Irish nationalist family and their involvement in the Irish struggle of independence over two generations. Classified as Nazi propaganda by contemporary film historians and scholars.


Victory in the West 1941

Production Supervisor: Fritz Hippler Script/Director: Svend Noldan Cinematography: PKW (Propaganda Camera Units) Music: Herbert Windt Production: High Command of the German Wehrmacht (OKW)/Ufa Release: January 30, 1941 114 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German military propaganda documentary feature film produced by Fritz Hippler and written and directed by Svend Noldan. This comprehensive documentary film is composed of frontline newsreel film material served not only as a film record of the German military victory in the West, but also served tp frighten foreign nations as to the might of Hitler's Wehrmacht as purportedly at the time, an invincible force. This film is considered a supreme example of direct Nazi propaganda.


Hallgarten Reconnaissance Squad 1941 

Producer/Script/Director: Herbert B. Fredersdorf Script: Kurt E. Walter, Herbert B. Fredersdorf Cinematography: Eduard Hoesch CAST: Rene Deltgen, Paul Klinger, Maria Andergast, Rudolf Prack Music: Anton Profes Production: Germania-Film GmbH 77 min. sound B/W German dialog.
German war propaganda film drama co-written, produced and directed by Herbert B. Fredersdorf and starring Rene Deltgen, Paul Klinger, Maria Andergast, Rudolf Prack and others. This nationalist propaganda film was primarily intended  to sing the praises of the virtue of unbreakable camaraderie among the Wehrmacht mountain troops during W.W.II. "Hallgarten Reconnaissance Squad" was banned by the victories Allies after the war due to its pro-military propaganda. 


Venus on Trial 1941

Producer: Ottmar Ostenmayr Script/Director: Hans H. Zerlett Cinematography: Oskar Schnirch CAST: Hannes Stelzer, Paul Dahlke, Siegfried Breuer, Carl Wery Music: Leo Leux Production: Bavaria-Film AG Release: June 4, 1941 90 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German political propaganda drama film written and directed by Hans H. Zerlett and starring Hannes Stelzer, Paul Dahlke, Siegfried Breuer, Carl Wery and others. This propaganda feature film played a key role in the Nazis' "degenerate art" program, and dramatically depicts the trial of a young German artist who has resisted the Weimarian trend towards it. This film is an obvious example of Nazi cinematic political propaganda and must be construed as such,


Germanin 1942

Producer/Director: Max W. Kimmich Script: Hans Wolfgang Hillers, Max W. Kimmich Cinematography: Jan Stallich, Jaroslav Tuzar CAST: Luis Trencker, Lotte Koch, Peter Petersen, Albert Lippert Music: Theo Mackeben Production: Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH Release: 1943 92 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical colonial propaganda feature film produced and directed by Max W. Kimmich and starring Luis Trencker, Lotte Koch, Peter Petersen, Albert Lippert and others. The story is based on the novel by Hellmuth Unger which concerned the development of suramin as a medicinal agent against sleeping sickness.  The main title of "Germanin" refers to a contemporary product placement at the time for Bayer AG, which marketed and sold the narcotic under the trade name "Bayer 200" and later "Germanin." The film had its official Reich premiere in Berlin on May 15, 1943. The victorious Allies banned the film following the defeat of Germany in 1945.


G.P.U. 1942

Producer/Script (co-writer)/Director: Karl Ritter Script: Andrews Engelmann, Felix Luetzendorf, Karl Ritter Cinematography: Igor Oberberg CAST: Willi Quadflieg, Laura Solari, Andrews Engelmann, Albert Lippert Music: Norbert Schultze, Herbert Windt Production: Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH Release: August 14, 1942 99 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German anti-Soviet political propaganda feature film produced, co-written and directed by Karl Ritter for Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH and starring Willi Quadflieg, Laura Solari, Andrews Engelmann, Albert Lippert and others. The story concerned a woman by the name of Olga Feodorovna, a Baltic citizen, witnessed her family being massacred by the Soviet G.P.U. (Secret State Police). The woman joins in order to track down the heinous murderers. After avenging her family's deaths, she commits suicide. "G.P.U." had its official Reich premiere in Berlin on August 14, 1942. This film is considered a vicious Nazi propaganda film.


Heavenly Dogs 1942

Producer: Eduard Kubal Script: Hans Fischer-Gerhold, Hans Heise Director: Roger von Norman Cinematography: Herbert Koerner CAST: Malte Jaeger, Waldemar Leitgeb, Albert Florath, Lutz Gotz, Josef Kamper Music: Werner Bochmann, Wolfgang Zeller Production: Terra-Filmkunst GmbH Release: February 20, 1942 76 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda war drama film directed by Roger Norman and starring Malte Jaeger, Waldemar Leitgeb, Albert Florath, Lutz Gotz, Josef Kamper and others. The storyline of the production concerned Hitler Youth members learning to construct and fly gliders in preparation for their joining the Nazi Luftwaffe when they come of age. Considered an example of Nazi propaganda. 


SS Bodyguard Regiment "Adolf Hitler" in Action 1942

Producer: Fritz Hippler Commentator: Harry Giese Production: Dfg/SS-Filmleitung 36 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary produced by Reich Film Superintenant Fritz Hippler for Deutsche-Film-Gesellschaft Herstellungs mbH (German Film Production). This film documents the military activities of Hitler's personal bodyguard regiment in military engagements on all fighting fronts during W.W.II. This film is an example of Nazi propaganda.


Crew of the Dora 1943

Producer/Script/Director: Karl Ritter Cinematography: Heinz Ritter, Theo Nischwitz CAST: Hannes Stelzer, Josef Dahmann, Wolfgang Preiss, Georg Thomalla  Music: Herbert Windt Production: Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH Release: November 1943 93 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German militarist propaganda feature film produced, co-written and directed by Karl Ritter and starring Hannes stelzer, Josef Dahmann, Wolfgang Preiss, Georg Thomalla and others.  The story of "Crew of the Dora" concerns a love triangle involving two Luftwaffe pilots being overcome by their compulsory participation in air battle together. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels banned the film in 1944, due to the fact of the worsening war situation, while on leave one character in the film inspires a young girl with hopes of settling in the east, a dream that no longer appeared obtainable. This film is considered as a cinematic example of Nazi propaganda.


Secret Tibet 1943

Producer: Ernst Schaefer Script: Hans-Albert Lettow, Ernst Schaefer Director: Ernst Schaefer, Hans-Albert Lettow Cinematography: Ernst Krause Music: Alois Melichar Production: Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH Release: November 12, 1943 101 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film co-written, produced and directed by Ernst Schaefer. The film concerns the German Tibet Expedition of 1938-1939, which was inspired by SS chief Heinrich Himmler in his search for the origins of the "Aryan" race. Classified as a Nazi propaganda film. 


Vienna 1910 (1943)

Producer: Karl Kuenzel Director: E.W. Emo Script: Gerhard Menzel Cinematography: Sepp Ketterer, Hans Schneeberger CAST: Rudolf Forster, Heinrich George, Lil Dagover, Harry Hardt Music: Willy Schmidt-Gentner Production: Wien-Film Release: August 26, 1943 92 min. B/W sound German dialog.
Austrian pseudo-historical anti-Semitic feature-length propaganda film directed by E.W. Emo and starring Rudolf Forster, Heinrich George, Lil Dagover, Harry Hardt and others. The story pertained to the early 20th century Austrian politician Karl Lueger, who helped modernize Vienna but whose Christian Social Party, espousing anti-Semitism, inspired a young Hitler. Considered as an obvious example of Nazi propaganda.


Young Eagles 1944

Producer: Hans Schoenmetzler Script: Herbert Reinecker, Alfred Weidenmann Director: Alfred Weidenmann Cinematography: Klausd von Rautenfeld CAST: Dietmar Schoenhen, Gunnar Moeller, Eberhard Krueger, Willy Fritsch Music: Hans-Otto Borgmann Production: Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH Release: 1944 108 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German aeronautical political propaganda feature film was co-written, produced and directed by Alfred Weidenmann and starring Dietmar Schoenhen, Gunnar Moeller, Eberhard Krueger, Willy Fritsch and others. This wartime propaganda film was aimed at German youths as it depicts a group of young male apprentices who construct bomber cockpits in an aircraft factory and develop a community willing to work hard in the process. The film is classified as a Nazi propaganda film.


Traitors Before the People's Court 1944 

Producer: Volksgerichtshof (Peoples' Court) 83 min. B/W sound German Diaslog.
German film documenting the court proceedings of the July 20th anti-Hitler plotters before Reich President of the Peoples' Court Roland Freisler. This is the official record of the trial ordered by Hitler personally, including cross-examination by Freisler denouncing the accused former military officers involved in the plot. 


Hitler's Birthday Celebrations 1933-1942

Production: Reichspropagandaministerium 65 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German documentation on the history of Hitler's birthday celebrations during the Third Reich during 1933-1942. These filmed celebrations are an example of Nazi propaganda.


Battleship in Motion 1940

Producer/Cinematography/Director: Walter Hrich Production: Oberkommando der Reichskriegsmarine (Filmleitung) Release: 1940 22 min. B/W sound Germsn dialog.
German propaganda documentary film produced, directed and filmed by Walter Hrich for the High Command of the German Kriegsmarine (Navy).  This short film is considered an example of Nazi propaganda.


Fritz and Fratz 1938

Producer: Degeto-Schmalfilmschrank  31 min. B/W silent w/music score German Inter-titles.
German trick film animation series which was part of the entertainment program of the Third Reich produced during 1938-1939.  


The German Sniper 1944

Producer: High Command of the German Luftwaffe 69 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German Luftwaffe training film produced in 1944 pertaining to military snipers in combat during W.W.II.


Faith and Beauty 1939

Producer/Director: E.K. Beltzig Production: Reichsjugendfuehrerung/BdM-Fuehrerung/NSDAP-Filmleitung 17 min. B/W sound Spanish dialog.
German political propaganda documentary short film praising the League of German Girls (Bunddeutschemaedel) as part of the Nazi female youth movement. This is the Spanish language version designed for exhibition in Spain. 


Germany Awake! 1933

Producer: Reichspropagandaleitung 60 min. Release: 1933 B/W sound German dialog.
German political propaganda documentary film produced following Hitler's accession to power in January 1933, the film traces the rise of the NSDAP up to 1933. Commentary by Joseph Goebbels. Classified as a political propaganda film.


Third Reich Home Movies Vol. II. 1942

Amateur home movie production 21 min. B/W silent w/music score.
German silent home movies of the armed forces during combat on the fighting fronts during W.W.II. 


A Day on a Franconian Village Street 1936

Producer: Reichsanstalt fuer Film und Bild (RWU) 17 min. B/W silent German titles w/music score.
German "kulturfilm" depicting one day in a Franconian village street in Franconia, a region in Germany which is characterized by eastern Franconian culture. This short film was employed in education during the Third Reich.


Off the Beaten Track 1935

Producer: Reichspropagandafilmleitung Production Supervisor: Fritz Hippler 25 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda film promoting the "survival of the fittest" racial-ideological line of the Nazi Party in 1935.


The Soviet Paradise 1942

Supervising Producer: Fritz Hippler Script/Director: Friedrich Albal Production: Reichspropagandaleitung Release: 1942 21 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German anti-Soviet propaganda documentary film directed by Friedrich Albal for the Propaganda Ministry depicting the grim fate of the Russian people under communism and Stalin during W.W.II. This film is classified as a political propaganda film.


Baptism of Fire 1940

Supervising Producer: Fritz Hippler Script/Director: Hans Bertram Cinematography: Erwin Bleeck-Wagner, Walter Conz, Erich Doerk,Wolfgang Gossmann, Albert Kling, Artur Lincke, Bruno Loetsch, Guenther Petrusch, Heinz Ritter, Wilhelm Siem, Heinz von Jaworsky Commentators: Herbert Gernot, Gerhard Jeschke Music: Norbert Schultze Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: 1940 90 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German militarist propaganda documentary film written and directed by Hans Bertram in 1940. Bertram's film depicts the decisive role played by the Nazi Luftwaffe during the campaign in Poland in 1939 and is composed of authentic front-line camera footage of the actual conflict from the air and the destruction below against the enemy. This film is considered a militarist propaganda film.


All Life is a Struggle 1937

Producer: Reichspropagandafilmleitung Script/Direction: Herbert Gerdes, Werner Huettig  Additional Script: W. Huettig Production: Reichspropagandafilmleitung/Rassenpolitisches Amt der NSDAP 27 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German euthanasia propaganda documentary film written and directed by Herbert Gerdes and Werner Huettig for the Reich Propaganda Ministry and the Racial-Political Office of the Nazi Party (NSDAP). The film's subject concerned disabled civilians in Germany and "the Law for the Prevention of Heredity Diseased Offspring," passed in order to stop disabilities affecting subsequent generations through forced sterilization. At the same time, Gernot's film calls for hereditarily Germans to reproduce so as to prevent individuals from becoming extinct. "All Life is a Struggle" was one of six euthanasia propaganda films produced by the Nazi Party, the 'Reichsleitung, Rassenpolitische Amt' (the Office of Racial Policy) from 1935-1937 in order to demonize regular German civilians in the Third Reich diagnosed with mental illness and mental retardation. This film has been classified as a Nazi propaganda film. 


Poor Hansi 1943

Producer/Script/Direction: Gerhard Fieber, Frank Lebrecht Music: Oskar Sala Production: Deutsche Zeichenfilm 18 min. Color silent German titles.
German wartime animation film produced, written and directed by Gerhard Fieber and Frank Lebrecht. This animated film does not contain propaganda.


Third Reich Home Movies Vol. I. 1936

Amateur home movie production - 24 min. B/W silent w/music score. 
Personal and private home movies filmed during the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin. Also depicts scenes of Rothenburg and Austria. 


The Inheritance 1935

Producer: Harold Mayer Script: Walter Lueddecke Director: J.C. Hartmann Music: Fritz Wenneis Production: Reichspropagandafilmleitung 21 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German biological racist propaganda film short produced by the Ministry of Propaganda's film department produced by Harold Mayer, penned by Walter Lueddecke and directed by J.C. Hartmann. This short propaganda film presented the Nazi ideological viewpoint of Darwin's "Survival of the Fittest" that influenced Hitler's and the Nazis' ideological racist "thought" processes. This film is considered a propaganda film.


The Steel Animal 1935

Producer/Script/Cinematography/Director: Willy Zielke CAST: Aribert Mog (commentator/Engineer Klaasen), Sophia Hagen Music: Peter Kreuder Production: Deutsche Reichsbahn Release: 1935 71 min. B/W German dialog w/English subtitles.
German industrial propaganda documentary film produced, written, shot and directed by Willy Zielke for the Deutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways) in 1935. This film was commissioned produced in 1935 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Reich German Railway in 1835. "The Steel Beast" is classified as an "industrial" film produced in the expressionist style of filmmaking. The film would normally be classified as a genuine propaganda film, however, contained within the celluloid of Zielke's production are no images of swastika banners or Nazi symbiology which normally indicate the political content intended by German officials at the time.


Existence without Life: Psychiatritry and Humanity   1942

Producer/Script/Cinematographer/Director: Hermann Schwenninger Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: 1942 70 min. B/W German Inter-titles.
German euthanasia propaganda documentary produced, written, shot and directed by Hermann Schwenninger. This feature-length Nazi propaganda film concerns itself with the physically and mentally disabled in Germany. The scurrilous propaganda film blatantly labels inherited mental illness as a public health threat to contemporary German society at the time, and called for the extermination for those affected. The production was not exhibited to the general public, but instead was shown to the criminal Nazi perpetrators of the official euthanasia program and to other leading government and medical authorities. In March 1942, Schwenninger's film first premiered in front of twenty-eight physicians. The largest group were the "reviewers" of "Aktion T4" and members  of the Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft (eich labor community). The group was joined with Reichs Minister of the Interior Herbert Linden, Otto Huth (psychairtrist of the Wehrmacht health system), as well as key politicians from the healthcare administrations of Baden, Bavaria and Wurttemberg. On December 22, 1942, the film was shown at the Military Medical Academy. The invited guests included top officials of the SD (Reich Security Service), Gestapo, the Criminal Police, Reich Ministry of the Interior, the Hitler Youth organization, and the director of the Berlin Health Office. In January 1943, Arthur Nebe (SS functionary & a major perpetrator of the implementation of the Holocaust) screened the film to hundreds of high-ranking SS officers, who received it enthusiastically. All known film copies of this film were thought to have been lost forever, but after "the politico-economic turnaround" (The Peaceful Revolution) in the former East Germany following reunification, eight reels of the original twenty-three rolls the director shot for the production, complete with soundtracks had been discovered in 1989 in Potsdam,  Germany.


Third Reich Home Movies Vol. III. 1932-1942

Amateur home movie production 21 min. Color silent w/music score.
Rare color home movie collection filmed on location in Germany from 1932-1938 and the terrible war which resulted depicting combat fighting on all fronts.


Titanic 1943

Producer: Willy Reiber Script: Herbert Selpin, Walter Zerlett-Olfenuis, Harald Bratt, Hansi Koeck Direction: Herbert Selpin, Werner Klinger Cinematography: Friedl Behn-Grund CAST: Hans Nieslen, Sybille Schmitz, Otto Wernicke, Sepp Rist Music: Werner Eisbrenner Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: November 10, 1943 88 min. Color sound German dialog w/English subtitles NOTE: (also available in the original black & whte version). 
German feature-length propaganda film co-written and directed by Herbert Selpin and Werner Klingler for Tobis-Filmkunst and starring Hans Nielsen, Sybille Schmitz, Otto Wernicke, Sepp Rist and others. This costly propaganda film concerned the famous catastrophic sinking of RMS Titanic in 1912. "Titanic" (1943) was the third German language dramatization of the historical event, following a silent film released in 1912 (also available thru FILMMUSEUM HOME VIDEO) just four months after the sinking and the British produced German film "Atlantik" (also available) released in 1929. Commissioned originally by Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels, "Titanic" had been intended as a cinematic propaganda vehicle which depicted British and American capitalism as being solely responsible for the great disaster. The original director of the project Herbert Selpin was arrested during production after making disparaging remarks about the Wehrmacht (Army) and Kriegsmarine (Navy) as well as anti-Nazi comments pertaining to the Germans' poor success on the Eastern Front. He was found dead in his jail cell after purportedly hanging himself. He was replaced with director Werner Klingler in order to complete the project.  Ultimately Goebbels ended up banning the film due to its depiction of graphic violence during the scenes of the liner's destruction as it was felt it might remind German civilians of their own destruction from Allied air raids during the war.


Fridericus 1937

Producer: Hanns Otto  Script: Walter von Molo (novel), Erich Kroeknke, Director: Johannes Meyer Cinematography: Bruno Mondi CAST: Otto Gebuehr, Hilde Koerber, Lil Dagover, Kaethe Haack, Bernhard Minetti, Paul Dahlke Music: Marc Roland Production: Dianna-Tonfilm Release: February 8, 1937 98 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German historical propaganda feature film directed by Johannes Meyer for Dianna-Tonfilm and starring Otto Gebuehr, Hilde Koerber, Lil Dagover, Kaethe Haack, Bernhard Minetti, Paul Dahlke and others. Based on the historical account of King Fredrick the Great of Prussia and was part of the popular propaganda cinematic cycle of Prussian-themed productions at the time which presented Hitler as an historical prototype. "Fridericus" is considered by contemporary cinema historians and scholars as a propaganda film. 


Youth of the World 1936

Producer: Eberhard Fangauf Script/Direction: Carl Junghans, Herbert Brieger Cinematography: Sepp Allgeier, Hans Ertl, Walter Frenz, Heinz Kluth, Heinz von Jaworsky Music: Walter Gronostay Production: Propaganda-Ausschuss fuer die Olympische Spiele 38 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German propaganda documentary film short depicting the activities of the 1936 Olympic Games at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. The leading winter sports events are depicted in this short film. Considered a propaganda film.


The Great King 1942

Producer/Script (co-writer)/Director: Veit Harlan Cinematography: Bruno Mondi CAST: Otto Geuehr, Kristina Soederbaum, Gustav Froehlich, Paul Wegener Music: Hans-Otto Borgmann Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: March 3, 1942 118 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical feature-length propaganda film was co-written, produced and directed by Veit Harlan and starring Otto Gebuehr, Kristina Soederbaum, Gustav Froehlich, Paul Wegener and others. The story was based on the historical account of Prussian King Friderich the Great, who ruled from 1740 to 1756.  Harlan's historical costume epic was part of a popular cycle of film productions pertaining to Prussian history.  "The Great King" is a depiction of the "Fuehrerprinzip" (leadership principle). The analogy of Hitler was so apparent that the German Chancellor sent a print of the film to Mussolini, and Propaganda Minister Goebbels had warned against the drawing of the comparison in print, in particular, due to the pessimistic that opens the film.  Goebbels declared that "the parallels were not a matter of propaganda, but an obvious result of the parallels of history." Contemporary film historians and cinema scholars consider "The Great King" an example of subtle Nazi propaganda.


Kolberg 1945

Producer: Veit Harlan, Jospeh Goebbels (uncredited) Script: Veit Harlan, Joseph Goebbels (uncredited), Alfred Braun Director: Veit Harlan Cinematography: Bruno Mondi CAST: Heinrich George, Paul Wegener, Horst Caspar, Kristina Soederbaum Music: Norbert Schultze Production: Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH Release: January 30, 1945 110 min. Color sound German dialog version.
German historical costume epic propaganda film produced, co-written and directed by Veit Harlan for Ufa-Filmkunst and starring Heinrich George, Paul Wegener, Horst Caspar, Kristina Soederbaum and others. "Kolberg" was an insane propaganda pet project of Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and was one of the Third Reich's most ambitious and expensive productions. The film was designed and intended to bolster the will of the German population to resist the approaching Allies armies on all fighting fronts by 1945. The propaganda epic recounts the defense of the besieged fortress town of Kolberg against the invading French armies of Napoleon between April and July 1807, during the Napoleonic Wars. Contemporary film historians and cinema scholars regard "Kolberg" as a 'nationalist' propaganda film.


The Buildings of Adolf Hitler 1938

Producer/Cinematography/Director: Walter Hege Production: Reichspropagandaleitung abt. Film/Ufa-Kulturfilm 16 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film short depicting the architectural rebuilding program of Hitler's during 1933-1938. A cinematic example of Nazi propaganda.


Third Reich Newsreel Collection 1933-1945

Production: Deulig, Ufa, Bavaria, Tobis, Deutsche Wochenschau GmbH 500 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German weekly newsreel collection produced between 1933 and 1945, these historic motion pictures document the rise of the NSDAP to the fall of the Third Reich in the spring of 1945. This collection offers a unique perspective on the historical background of Nazi Germany.


Reich Presidential Election Campaign 1932

Production: Deulig 21 min. B/W silent w/music score .
German newsreel-type film depicting the 1932 Reich Presidential election campaign of 1932. 


Hindenburg 1934

Production: Deulig-Wochenschau 18 min. B/W silent German Inter-titles.
German silent film documentation on the life, including his role as Field Marshall during W.W.I., his role as Reichs President of Germany until his burial in 1934. Includes rare archival film footage.

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Jew Suess 1940

Producer: Otto Lehmann Script: Veit Harlan, Eberhard Wolfgang Moeller, Ludwig Metzger Director: Veit Harlan Cinematography: Bruno Mondi CAST: Ferdinand Marian, Werner Krauss, Heinrich George, Kristina Soederbaum, Eugen Kloepfer Music: Wolfgang Zeller Production: Terra-Filmkunst GmbH Release: September 8, 1940 98 min. Color sound German dialog.
German pseudo-historical anti-Semitic propaganda feature film co-written and directed by Veit Harlan starring Ferdinand Marian, Werner Krauss, Heinrich George, Kristina Soederbaum, Eugen Kloepfer and others.  Harlan's anti-Semitic costume epic has been characterized as "one of the most notorious and successful pieces of anti-Semitic propaganda produced in Nazi Germany." In November 1940, SS chief Heinrich Himmler ordered the entire SS and uniformed police forces should view "Jew Suess" before the coming winter. The film was exhibited throughout Nazi occupied Europe and was usually shown when some "official" action was taken against the Jews. It was also shown to SS personnel and guards in the concentration/extermination camps. After the war, its director, Veit Harlan became the first such filmmaker to be put on trial twice for "crimes against humanity" for directing the film but acquitted twice with the agreement that he would personally see to it that the original negative was destroyed. This never occurred, however. Six million Jews had to die under the Third Reich and "Jew Suess" conditioned their murderers during the nightmare years of the Holocaust.


Give Me Four Years Time 1937

Producer: Fritz Hippler Director: Alfred Ingemar Berndt Production: Reichspropagandaministerium Abt. Film Release: 1937 30 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German documentary propaganda film short focusing on Hitler's campaign promise address "Give me four years time" which was turned into a public exhibution and then produced into a short propaganda film. Considered an example of political propaganda.


For Us! 1937

Producer: Fritz Hippler Production: Reichspropagandafilmleitung 15 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German documentary propaganda film short supervised by Fritz Hippler commemorating the annual Munich "Putsch" ceremony on November 9, 1937. Considered an example of Nazi propaganda.


Reich Party Day Rallies at Nuremberg Collection 1927-1933

Producer: NSDAP-Filmleitung 88 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German political documentary propaganda film produced by the NSDAP Film section in 1933 composed of archival film footage of the annual Nuremberg Party rallies which took place in the medeival city of Nuremberg from 1927-1933. Considered an example of Nazi propaganda.


The Personal and Private Home Movie Collection of Eva Braun 1935-1942

Amateur-produced home movie production 4 hours Color & B/W silent w/music score.
German film collection personally filmed with a 16mm home movie camera by Hitler's mistress Eva Braun from 1935 until 1942. This rare film collection depicts personal and private visual imagery of Hitler, his deputies, their friends and families.


Our Beautiful Munich 1938

Producer: Schmalfilme-Werke 18 min. Color silent w/music score.
German propaganda documentary promoting the "Capital of the Movement," Munich, the seat of the Nazi Party in Germany. This rare color film depicts various images of architecture, including old imperial palace grounds, Koenigsplatz, Fuehrerbau, etc.


Blood and Soil: Foundations for the New Reich 1933

Producer: Walter Ruttmann Script: Karl Motz, Ernst Th. Bruger Direction: Walter Ruttmann, Hans von Passavant, Rolf von Sonjevski-Jamorowski Cinematography: Hermann Bottiger, Heinz Hermann Schwerdfeger Music: Willi Geisler Production: Stabamt des Reichsbaurenfuehrers Release: November 23, 1933 32 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German short propaganda documentary film produced by Walter Ruttmann who also co-directed with Hans von Passavant, Rolf von Sonjevski-Jamorowski. This short propaganda film propagates the Nazi fanatical ideology of "Blood and Soil," The story concerns an average German farmer who is suffering because of the alleged Jewish financial interests which flood the market with foreign produce, refuse to lend funds for the manufacture of farming equipment and start foreclosing on people's farms. A voiceover commentator encourages the audience to "purchase only domestic German goods and return to rural agrarian life." This depression era trend of urbanization is condemned as a path to further poverty, decadence, and sub-replacement fertility. Further, the film alleges Berlin's population dwindling to 90,000 by 2050, if immigration to the Reich capital city had been blocked. Considered a Nazi ideological propaganda film.


Honor of Labor 1936

Producer: Reichspropagandaleitung 30 min. B/W sound  German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film short produced by the Reich Propaganda Ministry in 1936 promoting the so-called Nazi virtue of "work" during the Third Reich. Considered a propaganda film.


The Way into the World 1938

Producer/Director: Paul Lieberanz 21 min. B/W sound Music: Eugen Gaedicke German dialog.
German propaganda documentary short film promoting so-called "heroic" virtues of the Hitler Youth movement during the Third Reich. as they are depicted as being engaged in manual labor and agricultural harvesting activities. This film depicts training in the HJ (Hitler Youth organization) during the late thirties. Considered as a Nazi propaganda film.


Labor Service 1939

Producer: Nicholas Kaufmann, Dr. Hans Cuerlis Script/Director: Martin Rikli Cinematography: Kurt Stanke Music: Hans Ebert Production: Kulturfilm Institut GmH Release: 1939 25 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary on the Reich Labor Service Corps in 1939 written and directed by Martin Rikli. This short documentary details various aspects of training and the activities of the Reicharbeitsdienst (RAD) during the Third Reich. Considered as Nazi propaganda.


Attention! The Enemy is Listening! 1940

Producer: Ernst Guenter Techow Script: Georg C. Klaren (idea), Kurt Heuser Director: Arthur Maria Rabenalt Cinematgraphy: Willy Winterstein, Gustav Weiss CAST: Rene Deltgen, Kirsten Heiberg, Lotte Koch, Michael Bohnen Music: Franz Grothe Production: Terra-Filmkunst GmbH Release: 1940 90 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German foreign espionage propaganda feature film directed by Arthur Maria Rabenalt starring Rene Deltgen, Kirsten Heiberg, Lotte Koch, Michael Bohnen and others. This purpose for the production of this particular propaganda film was to make the German populous aware of foreign espionage during the Third Reich. Following W.W.II., the victorious Allied forces banned this film labeling it as "direct Nazi propaganda."


The March to the Fuehrer 1940

Producer: Deutsche-Filmherstellungs-und Verwertungs-GmH (DFG) Music: Herbert Windt 50 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German political propaganda documentary film promoting the participation of the Hitler Youth during the annual trek to the Reich Party Day rally at Nuremberg in September 1938. This film was produced by the German Film Production Company (DFG), which was the documentary film division of the Reich Propaganda Ministry in Berlin. 


The Rothchilds, the Shares of Waterloo 1940

Producer: C.M. Coehn Script: Gerhard T. Bucholz, Mirko Jeluisch, C.M. Coehn Director: Erich Waschneck Cinematography: Robert Baberske CAST: Erich Ponto, Carl Kuhlmann, Herbert Huebner, Albert Florath Music: Johannes Mueller Production: Ufa Release: July 17, 1940 97 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German pseudo-historical anti-Semitic propaganda feature film directed by Erich Waschneck for Ufa starring Erich Ponto, Carl Kuhlmann, Herbert Huebner, Albert Florath and others. This greatly distorted pseudo-historical film purportedly depicts the role of the Rothchild family during the Napoleonic Wars. The Jewish Rothchilds are portrayed in a negative manner consistent with Nazi anti-Semitic policy during the Third Reich. "The Rothchilds" is one of three Nazi era German-produced feature films that provide an anti-Semitic retelling of 20th Century-Fox's 1934 production "House of Rothchild" (also available from FILMMUSEUM).  Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ordered the production of this film on November 17, 1940. Saul Friedlander suggested that Goebbels' intent had been to counter three propaganda films whose celluloid message attacked the persecution of the Jews throughout history by chiefly producing viciously anti-Semitic versions of those same films such as was the case for "The Rothchilds" and "Jew Suess" (1940). There is no doubt such motion pictures contributed immensely to the "Final Solution" during the Holocaust as the German masses were force-fed with such repugnant film propaganda.


The Hermann Goering Factory Construction 1941

Producer: Reichsanstalt fuer Film + Bild in Wissenschaft und Unterricht  Director: M. Weid Commentator: Dr. Pleister Cinematography: C. Dittmann Music: R. Ralf Production: Weid-Film Release: 1941 33 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film directed by M. Weid for his own firm Weid-Film. This film promotes the construction of the Hermann Goering factory in Watenstedt from 1939-1941. 


The Dismissal 1942

Producer: Walter Lehmann, Emil Jannings, Fritz Klotsch Script: Alexander Lernet-Holenia, Curt J. Braun, Felix von Eckhardt Director: Wolfgang Leibeneiner Cinematography: Fritz Arno Wagner CAST: Emil Jannings, Werner Krauss, Theodor Loos, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Werner Hinz, Paul Hartmann Music: Herbert Windt Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: October 6, 1942 110 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical propaganda feature film directed by Wolfgang Leibeneiner for Tobis-Filmkunst starring Emil Jannings, Werner Krauss, Theodor Loos, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Werner Hinz, Paul Hartmann and others. Leibeneiner's historical costume epic is the second feature film in the Bismarck saga, both directed by the same director. The story concerns the dismissal of the "Iron Chancellor" Otto von Bismarck in 1871 by Kaiser Wilhelm II. This film, like all of the Bismarck film topics produced during the Third Reich was deliberately produced to serve as an historical prototype for Hitler as no films were commissioned featuring a single German actor to portray the Nazi Fuehrer. This film is considered an example of Nazi political propaganda.


On October 29, 1942 (1942)

Producer: Deutsche Wochenschau GmbH 50 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary birthday gift film presented to Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels on hisforty-fifth birthday celebration on October 29, 1942. This rare film depicts the children of Joseph and Magda Goebbels on the event of his birthday. Considered as propaganda. 


Jump into the Enemy 1942

Producer: Wilhelm Stoeppler Director: Paul Otto Bartning, Karl-Ludwig Ruppel Music: Norbert Schultze Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: 1942 23 min. B/W sound German dialog w/Dutch subtitles.
German militarist propaganda documentary film directed by Paul Otto Bartning and Karl Ludwig Ruppel for the High Command of the German Wehrmacht and Tobis-Filmkunst in 1942. This short propaganda film is a reenactment by Wehrmacht soldiers based on the successful attack in May 1940 on the Moerdijk bridges by German paratroopers. It depicts the successful battle fought y Wehrmacht soldiers against the Dutch forces. Considered as a militarist propaganda film,


Aces at Sea 1943

Producer/Director: Hermann Stoess Cinematography: Felix Nerlich Production: Mars-Film Release: June 29, 1943 20 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German wartime propaganda documentary directed by Hermann Stoess concerning naval speed boats engaged in sea battle in the North Atlantic in 1943. Considered as militarist film propaganda.


Commitment of Youth 1943

Producer/Director: Guenther  Beschart Cinematography: Alfons Pennarz Music: Ludwig Preiss Production: Deutsche-Film-Gesellschaft mH (Dfg) Release: 1943 21 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary short produced and directed by Guenther Beschart for Dfg (German Film Company). This short documentary film concerns the involvement and participation of members of the Hitler Youth organization during W.W.II. in 1943. Considered a political propaganda film.


Submarines against the Enemy 1943

Producer: Oberkommando der Reichskriegsmarine 22 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda short film produced by the High Command of the Reich Navy engaged at sea battle during W.W.II. in 1943. Considered a militarist propaganda film.


Our Youth 1943

Producer: NAPOLA Script: R.O. Thenberg Director: Johannes Haeussler Cinematography: Herbert Kebelmann Production: Dfg (German Film Company)/NAPOLA 21 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German political propaganda documentary short film directed by Johannes Haeussler on the NAPOLA academy for Hitler Youth members. This film depicts various educational facets at the NAPOLA academy featuring German boys engaged in National Socialist (Nazi) training techniques in their preparation becoming soldiers for the Third Reich during W.W.II. Considered political propagada.


Panorama Monthly Color Newsreels 1944-45

Producer: Deutsche Wochenschau GmbH 60 min. Color sound German dialog.
German monthly color newsreel propaganda films produced by the German Weekly Show Company during 1944-1945. These rare films illustrate the war situation in Germany and on other fronts of the bitter, bloody conflict of W.W.II. Considered as Nazi propaganda.


The Fuehrer Gives a Town to the Jews 1944

Producer: Karel Peceny Script: Kurt Gerron, Jinwich Weil (original draft) Director: Kurt Gerron, Karel Peceny, Hans Guenther, Karl Rahm Cinematography: Ivan Fric, Cinek Zahradnicek  CAST: Thereisenstadt KZ (concentration camp) inmates Music: Peter Deutsch Production: Aktualita-Film Release: 1944 30 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film travesty on the Theresienstadt concentration camp outside Prague, occupied Czechoslavakia directed by camp inmate and former Ufa movie star Kurt Gerron, Karel Peceny, Hans Guenther, and Karl Rahm for Actualita-Film and the Sicherheitsdienst (Reich Security Service or SD). This obscure short propaganda film is perhaps one of the most heinous ever put on celluloid by Nazi Germany as its production was a direct fraud of the actual "reality" of the Nazi concentration camp system. After the International Red Cross had received complaints of some of the ill treatment in the camps, Reinhard Heydrich's SD ordered the production of this film to screen before members of the IRC as to alleviate the organization's concern over what was actually occurring in concentration camps in Germany. This film is considered one of the most heinous propaganda films produced during the Third Reich and must be considered a dangerous tool of the audiovisual arts.


Return to the Reich 1939

Producer: Reichsanstalt fuer Film + Bild 17 min. B/W silent w/music score. German Inter-titles.
German propaganda documentary film short produced by the Reich institution for Film und Image and the Reich Propaganda Ministry in 1939. This film depicts the Nazi occupation of the Sudetenland as well as the remainder of the nation of Czechoslovakia. Considered as a propaganda film.  


The Battle of Alkazar 1941

Producer: Renato Bassoli, Carlo Bassoli, Jr. Script: Augusto Genina, Alessandro De Stefani Director: Augusto Genina Cinematography: Jan Stallich, Francisco Izzarelli, Vincenzo Seratrica CAST: Rafael Calvo, Carlos Munoz, Mireile Balin, Fosco Giachetti Music: Antomio Veretti Production: Film Bassoli/Ulargui Release: August 20, 1941 90 min. B/W sound German dialog version.
German version of Augusto Genina's Italian fascist wartime propaganda film starring Rafael Calvo, Carlos Munoz, Mireile Bolin, Fosco Giachetti and others. This production marked the most significant collaboration between fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and fascist Spain in the cinematic sector. The production received the coveted Mussolini Cup at the Venice Film Festival in 1940. "The Battle of Alkazar" is considered a propaganda film collaborated by the Axis Powers during W.W.II.


Bismarck 1940

Producer: Heinrich Jonen, Willi Weissner Script: Rolf Lauckner, Wolfgang Leibeneiner Director: Wolfgang Leibeneiner Cinematography: Bruno Mondi CAST: Paul Hartmann, Freidrich Kayssler, Lil Dagover, Werner Hinz Music: Norbert Schultze Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: December 6, 1940 116 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical propaganda film directed by Wolfgang Leibeneiner starring Paul Hartmann, Freidrich Kayssler, Lil Dagover, Werner Hinz and others. The story concerns the life of the Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck, a German nationalist and lonely genius who withstands the Reichstag to act on behalf of the people. Like other Prussian-themed feature films produced during the Third Reich, "Bismarck" presents an historical prototype for Hitler in the historical character of the Iron Chancellor.


Foray into the Sudetenland 1941

Producer/Script/Director: C.A. Engel Cinematography: Fritz Lehmann Music: Lothar Baer, Fritz Wenneis Production: Boehner-Film Release: 1941 27 min. B/W sound German dialog.
C.A. Engel's 1941 German propaganda documentary film concerning a panoramic view of the annexed Sudetenland following the Nazi takeover in 1939. 


With the Camera on the Eastern Front 1944

German historical documentation of authentic battle action on the Eastern Front in color as filmed by Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS soldiers in 1944. 15 min. sound Color German dialog.


The Chorale of Leuthen 1933

Producer: Carl Froelich Script: Johannes Brandt, Friedrich Pflughaupt, Ilse Spath-Baron Direction: Carl Froelich, Arzen von Cserepy Cinematography: Franz Planer, Hugo von Kaweezynski CAST: Otto Gebuehr, Paul Otto, Werner Finck, Paul Richter Music: Marc Roland Production: Carl Froelich-Film Release: February 3, 1933 91 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical Prussian-themed film directed by Carl Froelich for his own production company starring Otto Gebuehr (as Frederich the Great), Paul Otto, Werner Finck, Paul Richter and others. "The Chorale of Leuthen" was part of the film cycle of nostalgic Prussian-themed movies popular during the Weimarian and Nazi periods. The story concerns the 1757 Battle of Leuthen. The film served as another historical prototype in Nazi productions for comparing the Prussian King and the German Chancellor (Hitler) during the Third Reich.


Christmas during the Third Reich 1933-1938

Historic German film compilation documenting the annual Christmas season during the Third Reich in color. These rare vintage color films depict the holiday season featuring glimpses of various state and political leaders as well as the soldiers and civilians of Nazi Germany. 60 min. Color.


DIII 88 1939

Producer: Fred Lyssa Script: Wolf Neumeister, Hans Bertram Director: Herbert Maisch Cinematography: Georg Krause, Heinz von Jaworsky CAST: Christian Kayssler, Otto Wernicke, Adolf Fischer, Paul Otto Music: Robert Kuessel Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: October 26, 1939103 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German militarist propaganda action film directed by Herbert Maisch starring Christian Kayssler, Otto Wernicke, Adolf Fischer, Paul Otto and others. The project was produced as a propaganda film with the support of Hermann Goering's Luftwaffe. "D III 88" was one of the most successful films released during the Third Reich. Joseph Goebbels praised the production as "an irreproachable film of national destiny." 



The Girl Joan 1935

Producer: Bruno Duday Script: Gerhard Menzel Director: Gustav Ucicky Cinematography: Guenther Krampf CAST: Angela Salloker, Gustaf Gruendgens, Heinrich George, Erich Ponto Music: Peter Kreuder Production: Ufa Release: April 26, 1935 87 min. B/W sound German dialog. 
German historical propaganda drama presenting the French character of Joan of Arc as the first female embodiment of the Hitler 'Fuehrer' prototype in film. The film was directed by Austrian director Gustav Ucicky and starring a leading cast of players, including Angela Salloker (as Joan), Gustaf Gruendgens, Heinrich George, Erich Ponto and others. The press in Germany and abroad had detected direct historical parallels between the presentation of France in 1429 and the contemporary situation in Nazi Germany in 1935. "The Girl Joan" is considered a Nazi propaganda film by film historians.


The Heart of the Queen 1940

Producer: Carl Froelich Script: Harold Braun Director: Carl Froelich Cinematography: Franz Weihmayr CAST: Zarah Leander, Willy Birgel, Lotte Koch, Margot Hielscher Music: Theo Mackeben Production: Ufa Release: 1940 112 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German historical epic making outright selective use of the life story of Mary, Queen of Scots and her execution by Queen Elisabeth I.  for anti-British and pro-Scottish propaganda, in the context of film material being produced in Germany during WWII. "The Heart of the Queen" is considered an example of Nazi film propaganda.


The Degenhardts 1944

Producer: Heinrich George (Executive Producer) Script: Hans Gustl-Kenmmayr, Wilhelm Krug, Georg Zoch Director: Werner Klingler Cinematography: Georg Bruckbauer CAST: Heinrich George, Ernst Schroeder, Gunnar Moeller, Ernst Legal Music: Herbert Windt Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: July 5, 1944 93 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German wartime drama film directed by Werner Klingler starring Heinrich George (also served as Executive Producer), Ernst Schroeder, Gunnar Moeller, Ernst Legal and others. The production was part of a cycle of home front propaganda movies produced in Germany during the war. The story concerns the figure of Karl Degenhardt, the patriarch of the family in Luebeck, leads his wife and five children through the opening stages of WWII., culminating in the bombing of the city on March 28, 1942. The original script was reportedly very anti-Semitic. "The Degenhardts" was intended by Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry to promote anti-British sentiment and prepare the general population psychologically for the total destruction of their cities by continuous Allied bombardment and invasions. The film had its official Reich premiere in Luebeck on July 6, 1944. The production is considered an example of Nazi wartime propaganda.


The Ruler 1937

Producer: Karl Julius Fritzsche Script: Curt J. Braun, Thea von Harbour, Harald Bratt Director: Veit Harlan Cinematography: Guenther Anders, Werner Brandes CAST: Emil Jannings, Paul Wagner, Hannes Stelzer, Hilde Koerber Music: Wolfgang Zeller Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH Release: March 17, 1937 103 min. B/W German dialog w/English subtitles.
German propaganda drama film directed by Veit Harlan starring Emil Jannings in the coveted role as Mathias Clausen, Paul Wagner, Hannes Stelzer, Hilde Koerber and others.  "The Ruler" is based on an adaptation on the play of the same title by Gerhard Hauptmann. Harlan's film is a highly propagandistic demonstration of the 'Fuehrerprinzip' ('leadership principle') of the Third Reich. Harlan's production had its official Reich premiere at Palast am Zoo Theater in Berlin on March 17, 1937. "The Ruler" was banned in Germany after WWII. due to its propaganda content.


Shock Troop 1917 (1934)

Producer: Franz Adam, Franz Geretshauser, Alfred Oberlinober, Hans Zoeberlein, Script: Hans Zoeberlein, Franz Adam, Marian Kolb Direction: Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Hans Zoeberlein Cinematography: Karl Buhlmann, Hans Dittmann, Karl Hasselmann, etc. CAST: Ludwig Schmid-Wildy, Beppo Brem, Max Zankl, Hans Poessenbacher, Karl Hanft Music: Franz Adam Production: Arya-Film GmbH Release: February 3, 1935 86 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German WWI military adventure film was co-produced, co-written and directed by Hans Zoeberlein and Ludwig Schmid-Wildy and starring Wildy, Beppo Brem, Max Zankl, Hans Possenbacher, Karl Hanft, etc. The story of this NS propaganda film concerns German stormtroopers surrounded by French forces during the 2nd Battle of the Aisne during the First World War and later in combat against the British in Flanders and the Battle of Cambrai. Contemporary cinema historians consider "Shock Troop 1917" to be a Nazi propaganda film.


German Tank 1940

Producer: Otto Nay Script: Heinz Hessemann Director: Walter Ruttmann Cinematography: Otto Martini Music: Walter Schuetze Production: Ufa Release: September 1940 10 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German militarist propaganda documentary film short was directed by Walter Ruttmann. "German Tank" concerns the process of constructing tanks in Germany during the early days of WWII. 


Nazi Home Movies: the War 1942-1943

Original vintage color home movies documenting the war on the Eastern Front (1942-1943) in full color. This film utilizes original color 16mm films depicting the battle against the Soviet Union. 65 min. Color silent w/music score. 


We from the Western Front: the German Wehrmacht 1940

Original vintage German wartime film documentation/propaganda on the role of the German Wehrmacht in battle on the Western Front in 1940.  138 min. B/W sound German commentary.


The Great Love 1942

Producer: Walter Bolz Script: Peter Groll, Rolf Hansen, Alexander Lernet-Holenia Director: Rolf Hansen Cinematography: Franz Weihmayr, Gerhard Huttula CAST: Zarah Leander, Viktor Staal, Paul Hoerbiger, Victor Jansen Music: Michael Jary Production: Ufa Release: June 12, 1942 100 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German romantic militarist propaganda drama directed by Rolf Hansen and starring Zarah Leander, Viktor Staal, Paul Hoerbiger, Victor Jansen, etc. 
In its blend of entertainment and propaganda elements in "The Great Love" is paradigmatic for the Nazi cinema in much the same way Eduard von Borsody's "Wunschkonzert" ("Request Concert," 1940), following "The Great Love," is easily the most popular picture produced during the Third Reich. The official Reich premiere took place on June 12, 1942 in Berlin, in the Germania-Palast theater on Frankfurter Alle and the Ufa-Palast am Zoo theater. The movie was not only a big propaganda success but also a huge commercial box-office triumph with twenty-seven million paid admissions. 


The Golden City 1942

Producers: Veit Harlan (executive producer), Wolfgang Schief Script: Richard Billinger (play), Veit Harlan, Alfred Braun, Werner Eplinius Direction: Veit Harlan, Wolfgang Schlief Cinematography: Bruno Mondi CAST: Kristina Soederbaum, Eugen Kloepfer, Paul Klinger, Kurt Meisel Music: Hans-Otto Borgmann Production: Ufa-Filmkunst Release: December 25, 1942 110 min. Color sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German wartime Agfacolor anti-Czech propaganda feature film based on the novel "Der Gigant" by Richard Billinger directed by Veit Harlan and Wolfgang Schlief starring Kristina Soederbaum, Eugen Kloepfer, Paul Klinger, Kurt Meisel, etc. The story concerns a young woman named Anna (Kristina Soederbaum), whose mother committed suicide by drowning in a swamp, dreams of visiting the 'golden city' of Prague. After she manages to fall in love with a local surveyor, she runs away from the countryside near Ceske Budejovice to Prague to find them. She is instead seduced and later abandoned by her cousin (a Czech). She attempts to return home to Germany, but her father (essayed by Eugen Kloepfer) ends up rejecting her, so she too like her mother, drowns herself in the very same swamp. "The Golden City" was another pet project of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels who viewed the project as "vitally important" to National Socialist movement and to Germany at the time. Contemporary film historians and scholars consider Harlan's film as a work of Nazi propaganda.


Filming in Theresienstadt 1943

Producer: Aktualita-Film Script: Kurt Gerron, Manfred Greiffenhagen, Jindrich Weil Direction: Kurt Gerron, Karel Peceny Cinematography: Josef Cepelak, Ivan Fric, Cenek Zahradnicek Release; March 1945 12 min. B/W silent w/music score German titles.
German concentration camp film promoting Kurt Gerron supervising the production of the propaganda documentary "Der Fuehrer schenkt den Juden eine Stadt? (1944). This is an extremely rare film as it actually depicts cameramen from Reinhard Heydrich's SD (Reich Security Service) filming the Theresienstadt camp in 1943. This film is considered to contain Nazi propaganda.


Tran and Helle 1939

Producer: Deutsche Wochenschau GmbH 20 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German comedy newsreel propaganda entertainment programs  featuring comic duo of the Third Reich era, Ludwig Schmitz ("Tran") and Joseph "Jupp" Hussels.


Refugees 1933

Producer: Guenther Stapenhorst Script: Gerhard Menzel  (novel)  Director: Gustav Ucicky Cinematography: Fritz Arno Wagner  CAST: Hans Albers, Kaethe von Nagy, Eugen Kloepfer, Andrews Engelmann  Music: Ernst Erich Buder, Herbert Windt  Production: Ufa Release: October 14, 1933 87 min. B/W sound Germa dialog w/English subtitles.
German anti-communist propaganda film directed by Gustav Ucicky starring Hans Albers, Kaethe von Nagy, Eugen Kloepfer, Andrews Englemann, etc. This Nazi propaganda film depicts Volga German refugees persecuted by the Bolshevicks on the Sino-Russian border in Manchuria in 1928. "Refugees" was the first German motion picture to be awarded the prestigeous 'National Socialist State Prize', and Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels praised Ucicky's film as among those motion pictures that, while they did not explicitly cite Nazi principles, nevertheless embodied its spirit at the time, a new production reflecting the NS national revolution. In Menzel's story, are rescued by a heroic German leader much like Hitler, the symbolism was obviously intended to emulate their 'Fuehrer.' The hero is disgusted by "November Germany," and devotes himself to the ideal of "true Germany." He off-handedly disposes of some refugees as worthless, , and demands complete obedience from all others. The death of a boy devoted to him moves him emotionally, as dying for a cause is something he would  wish for himself, in keeping with the Nazi glorification of "heroic death." Their communist persecutors are depicted simply as brutal murderers, typical of of film works prior to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. "Refugees" was approved by the Reich censors on December 1, 1933. The picture premiered in the U.S.A. at the 7th Street Theater in New York City the same year. Ucicky's feature film is considered an example of Nazi propaganda..


Occult Forces 1943

Producer: Robert Muzard Script: Jean Marques-Riviere Director: Jean Mamy Cinmematography: Marcel Lucien CAST: Maurice Remy, Marcel Vibert, Auguste Boveno, Gisele Parry  Music: Jean Martinon  Production: Nova Films Release: March 10, 1943 54 min. B/W sound French dialog w/English subtitles.
French occupation anti-Semitic/anti-Freemasonry propaganda film directed by Jean Many for Nova Films.  The picture stars Maurice Remy, Marcel Vibert, Auguste Boveno, etc.  This vicious propaganda film recounts the life of a certain Mr. Avenel, a young member of French Parliament who joins the Freemasons in order to re-establish his career. He thus learns how the Freemasons are conspiring with the Jews and the Anglo-American nations in order to encourage France into a war against Germany.  "Occult Forces" had been commissioned in 1942 by the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda, a special delegation of Goebbels'  Propaganda Ministry within occupied France by the former Freemason, Jean Mamy. The film virulently denounces Freemasonry, parliamentarism, and Judaism as part of Vichy France's move against them and further seeks to prove a Freemasonic plot. Following the liberation of France, the screenwriter of "Occult Forces," Jean Marques-Riviere, its producer Robert Muzard, as well as its director Jean Mamy were tried for Nazi collaboration with Nazi Germany. For on November 25, 1945, Muzard was sentenced to three years in prison and Marques-Riviere was tried in asentia and sentenced to death (as he had had gone into self-imposed exile.). 


Hands High! 1942

Producer/Script/Director: AlfredWeidenmann  Cinematography: Emil Schunemann  CAST: Erich Dunskus, Maria L. Fodorova, Johannes Schuetz, Willy Witte  Production: DFG 67 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German political propaganda film written, produced and directed by Alfred Weidenmann starring Erich Dunskus, Maria L. Fodrova, Johannes Schuetz, Willy Witte, etc. The story concerns young Hitler Youth boys whom attend an HJ recreation camp in Slovakia who find themselves bored and irritated when inclement weather confines them to their barracks. When informed escaped convicts are in the area, the boys are determined to apprehend them. Considered a Nazi propaganda film by contemporary historians.


Homecoming 1941

Producer: Karl Hartl  Script: Gerhard Menzel  Director: Gustav Ucicky  Cinematography: Guenther Anders  CAST: Paula Wessley, Attila Hoerbiger, Carl Raddatz, Otto Wernicke, Ruth Heilberg  Music: Willy Schmidt-Gentner  Production: Wien-Film  Release: October 10, 1941 96 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German (Austrian) anti-Polish political propaganda film directed by Gustav Ucicky starring Paula Wessley, Attila Hoerbiger, Carl Racddatz, Otto Wernicke, Ruth Heilberg, etc. This virulent anti-Polish propaganda film was filled with heavy-handed caricatures, purportedly was designed to justify not only the 1939 Nazi invasion but more importantly justified the extermination of the Poles with a scurrilous, vicious depiction of the relentless persecutions of the German ethnic minorities, who escape certain torture and death only became of the September 1939 invasion. This picture also contains a good deal of antisemitism in the production as well.  "Homecoming"  was approved by the Reich censors on August 26, 1941, and screened at the Venice Film Festival on October 10, 1941. Ucicky's film had its official Reich premiere in Berlin on October 23, 1941. The picture received the rare honor of "Film of the Nation" in Nazi Germany, only bestowed on German motion pictures considered to have been an outstanding contribution to the national cause.  The picture was banned after the war by the Allied Film Commission for its blatant and racist propaganda content and considered one of the most direct Nazi films produced during the entire period. 


In the Barrage of the Western Front 1936

Producer/Director: Charles Willy Kayser  Script: E.H. Raven  Cinematography: Guenther Anders  CAST: Ernst Rueckert, Viggo Larsen, Paul Rehkopf, Kurt Felden  Music: Karl Buchholz  Production: Herzog-Film  Release: 1936 88 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German historical militarist propaganda film directed by Charles Willy Kayser starring Ernst Rueckert, Viggo Larsen, Paul Rehkopf, Kurt Felden, etc. The story is set on the Western Front in WWI during 1914-1918 introduced with a German soldier reciting Nazi-styled poetry about the heroes on the Western Front during WWI.  Considered an example of Nazi militarist propaganda.


Young Europe 1942-1944

Producer/Director: Alfred Weidenmann  Production: NSDAP Reichspropagandaleitung Hauptamt Film  Release: 1942-1944  45 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German political propaganda Hitler Youth newsreels produced and directed by Alfred Weidenmann during 1942-1944. These propaganda newsreels depict the role of the HJ (Hitler Youth) played in active combat in WWII. Considered political propaganda.


Trainees of the Armed-SS 1943

Producer: SS-Filmleitung 25 min. B/W sound German dialog Production: Ufa-Kulturfilm.
German training propaganda documentary film depicting new Waffen-SS recruits at Bad Tolz, Germany in 1943. Depicts actual training of young SS recruits in the military academy in 1943 Nazi Germany. Considered as propaganda. 


Hitler Youth Color Home Movies 1933-1945

Producer: Manuel Catteau, Gaelle Guyader  Director: David Korn-Brzoza  Production: ZED  Release: November 2, 2017 20 min. Color  sound  German dialog.
Spanish postwar documentary film short in color documenting the history of the Nazi Hitler Youth movement in color. Contains rare archival color film material. 


Comrades under the Edelweiss  1942

Producer/Script/CinematographyDirector: Wolfgang Gorter  Production: Ufa-Kulturfilm Release: 1943  91 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda documentary film written, produced, filmed and directed by Wolfgang Gorther was a filmed re-creation of German and Austrian mountain sharpshooters engaged in battle against the Soviets in Upper Bavaria during the winter of 1940-1941. "Comrades under the Edelweiss" was not exhibited on German movie screens during WWII due to "the loss of political necessity" as a result of the loss of military imitative following a series of major German defeats on all fighting fronts during the war. Considered a Nazi propaganda film.


Fighter Pilot Luetzow 1941

Producer: Robert Wuelliner, Fritz Hippler (supervising producer)  Script: Hans Bertram, Wolf Neumeister  Director: Hans Bertram  Cinematography: Georg Krause, Heinz von Jaworsky, Walter Rosskopf  CAST: Christian Kayssler, Hermann Braun, Heinz Welzel, Hannes Koppler  Music: Norbert Schultze  Production: Tobis-Filmkunst GmbH  Release: 1941 109 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German  war propaganda film written and directed by Hans Bertram starring Christian Kayssler, Hermann Braun, Heinz Welzel, Hannes Koppler, etc. "Fighter Pilot Luetzow" is a sequel to Herbert Maisch's 1939 film "DIII 88" and produced with most of the same actors, but with Hans Bertram as director. The picture's title was not chosen after the then little-known Luftwaffe fighter pilot Guenther Luetzow, but instead after the general  from the Wars of Liberation, Ludwig Adolf Wilhelm von Luetzow. Bertram's production had its official Reich premiere on February 28, 1941 Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels was quite enthusiastic about "Fighter Pilot Luetzow." On February 14, 1941, he wrote: in his personal diary: "A magnificent war show by the Luftwaffe. With monumental images. Unique depiction of the milieu. I am enraptured." The Allied Occupation Government of Germany banned the film at the close of WWII due to its overt propaganda content.


In the Forest of Katyn 1943

Producer/Director: Fritz Hippler  Production: Dfg 15 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German documentary propaganda short film depicting the Soviet massacre of Polish Army officers who perpetuated by Soviet Red Army troops in 1939. This heinous crime accusation was made by Soviet prosecutors during the International Military Tribunal held at Nuremberg during 1945-1946. 


Cadets 1941

Producer/Script/Director: Karl Ritter  Cinematography: Guenther Anderson  CAST: Mathias Wieman, Carsta Loeck, Andrews Engelmann, Theo Schall  Music: Herbert Windt  Production: Ufa-Filmkunst GmbH  Release: September 1, 1939 (Nuremberg Rally), December 2, 1941 (Reich Premiere)  95 min. sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German historical Prussian militarist war propaganda film written, produced and directed by Karl Ritter for Ufa-Filmkunst starring Mathias Wieman, Cartsa Loeck, Andrews Engelmann, Theo Schall, etc. The propagandistic story is set in 1760, against the historical backdrop of the Austro-Russian raid on Berlin during the Seven Years War concerning a group of Prussian military cadets holding off superior Russian forces. Due to the strong anti-Russian propaganda theme of "Cadets," was pulled from theatrical release in 1939 during the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact. The picture was re-released in December 1941, shortly after the peace pact was broken and Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were at war following the June 22, 1941 German invasion. Ritter's costume epic was loosely connected to the historical Prussian cycle of propaganda motion pictures.


Nazi Propaganda Film Collection 1932-1941

Vintage historical film collection of rare, scarce motion picture documents produced during the Third Reich (1933-1944), including short films documenting the rallies, ceremonies and exhibitions. Most of this exceptional film material has never been available before. Includes the films: "Nuremberg Swod Presented to Hitler" (1938), "Wehrmacht Victory Parade in Berlin after the Western Campaign" (1940), "8th and 9th November" (1936), "10th Reichsparteitag" (1938), "12 Minutes with Ufa" (1942), "19th Panzer Division" (1939), "Berlin remains Berlin" (1933), "The German Reichstag to Berlin" (1933), "Joseph Goebbels speaks in the Berlin Stadium" (1937), "Party Day of the NSDAP" (1936), "The Fuehrer greets the LAH" (1938), "Three Years of Adolf Hitler" (1935, "Eternal Guard" (1936), "Reichsparteitag of Honor" (1936), "Munich Degenerate Art Exhibition" (1937), "The Camera Travels Along" (1937), "Battle of Miggenhausen" (1937), "Pilots, Radiomen, Cannoneers" (1937), "The Old Guard in Duesseldorf" (1937), "Reichstag Session of Foreign Germans" (1937), "Calvary Day in duesseldorf" (1937), "Yesterday and Today" (1938), "Word and Deed" (1938), "Traveling in the City of Dresden" (1938), "The Eagle" (1938), "German Tank" (1940), "Goebbels Color Home Movies" (1942), "The Front Show" (1940), "Men in the Background" (1940), "In the Forest of Katyn" (1940), "Young Europe" (1940), "Cadets of the Waffen-SS" (1940), "Paratroopers: Soldiers of the Air" (1940), "Homecoming in the Reich" (1938), "Decision on the Balkans" (1941), "Mountain Troops" (1941), "The German Western Border" (1940), "Reich Capitol City Berlin" (1936), "Youth Regatta in Gruenau" (1938), and many countless more.  450 min. B/W + Color sound German dialog.


People without a Fatherland 1937

Producer: Bruno Duday  Script: Gertrud von Brockdorff (novel), Lotte Neumann, Ernst von Salomon, Walter Wassermann,  Herbert Maisch  Director: Herbert Maisch  Cinematography: Konstantin Irmen-Tschet  CAST: Willy Fritzsch, Willy Birgel, Maria von Tasnady, Grethe Weiser  Music: Henri Rene  Production: Ufa  Release: February 16, 1937  100 min. B/W sound German dialog.
German propaganda drama co-written and directed by Herbert Maisch starring Willy Fritzsch, Willy Birgel, Maria von Tasnady, Grethe Weiser, etc.  The story is set in Latvia at the end of WWI, where a group of 'Freikorps' (pro-nationalist mercenary troops) fight against an attempt communist takeover of the Baltic States. This feature film was produced as part of the anti-communist film campaign perpetuated by Goebbels' Propaganda Ministry and was released widely through Nazi Germany and the occupied territories once war broke out eventually. "People without a Fatherland" is considered a Nazi propaganda film by contemporary cinema historians.


Dawn 1933

Producer: Guenther Stapenhorst  Script: Gerhard Menzel (idea), Edgar von Spiegel  Director: Gustav Ucicky  Cinematography: Carl Hoffmann  CAST: Rudolf Forster, Fritz Genschow, Adele Sandrock, Camilla Spira, Eduard von Winterstein  Music: Herbert Windt  Production: Ufa  Release: February 2, 1933 75 min. B/W sound German dialog w/English subtitles.
German WWI submarine drama directed by Austrian filmmaker Gustav Ucicky starring Rudolf Forster, Fritz Genschow, Adele Sandrock, Camilla Spira, Eduard von Winterstein, etc. The title of the film refers to the German term for the reddish coloring of the eastern sky ahead of sunrise. The story is set in 1916, depicts the survival of a group of German sailors aboard a ship given one individual sailor must sacrifice his own life overboard in order to secure the safety and survival of the remaining naval crewmen. "Dawn" was released just three days after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and the first motion picture to have its first screening in the new Nazi regime. The picture was approved by the Nazi censors on January 26, 1933, and received its official Reich premiere on January 31, 1933. Its gala premiere in Berlin was attended by Hitler himself. Critical reception toward "Dawn" was generally quite favorable with film critics praising the dramatic performances and Ucicky's direction with the picture being praised as "exciting and brisk." However, "Dawn" was banned in Poland and the Netherlands. The film generated much controversy in Britain in 1933 where reviewers were quick to notice that the unnamed British military leader who goes down on a cruiser on his way to Russia meant Kitchener.  But although "Dawn" was definitely not a Nazi propaganda picture - in the end of the story, the women survivors and other townspeople praise the dead British soldiers who have lost their lives as well. In Nazi films, no sympathy would ever be supplied to the enemies of Germany. Nevertheless, the film does seem to fall into line the Nazi propaganda theme of "dying for Germany," which would play a major role in the cinematic propaganda of Joseph Goebbels with numerous motion pictures with a similar theme. "Dawn" is nevertheless considered an influencer of pre-Nazi propaganda by contemporary film critics.


Munich during the Third Reich 1933-1939

TonFilm Dokumentarischer Filmproduktions' 1930s 45 min. Agfacolor silent w/music score + sound Production: TFDFilmproduktion 45 min. Agfacolor film record of the Bavarian capital of Munich and its historical, cultural and ultimately devastating role it played during the Third Reich during WWII. This rare film collection is a chronicle filmed in original Agfacolor of the activities of the NSDAP in Munich from 1933-1939. Numerous official events such as art exhibitions, ceremonies, rallies are depicted, much of it unseen until recently.